Queen Elizabeth II - MK College

Queen Elizabeth II

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A word from Sally Alexander, Acting CEO:

It was with a shared sense of loss that we all received the news of the death of the Queen yesterday, something that came as such a contrast of emotions given the success of our first whole campus Induction Day. 

Whatever your views of the monarchy, the Queen has been ever-present at the key cornerstones of our recent history, from the end of the Second World War to winning the football World Cup, opening the London 2012 Olympics through to the message of hope during the pandemic with her ‘We’ll meet again’ speech, helping to pull the country through a time of uncertainty and fear. 

Her passing is a time for reflection, whilst her life and dedication to the values we share across our College group, of service for the community, inclusion, respect, an enduring sense of humour and the desire for unity over division, is something we can all celebrate. 

We have had guidance from DfE to highlight that for now the College continues as usual. We will keep an eye on further updates to understand whether there will be any adjustments for the Queen’s funeral, and we will of course be taking part in any national silences and periods of mourning.