Prison Services
The College has worked successfully with offenders for more than 27 years. We have worked across a range of prisons, to enable our students to improve their personal skills and self-belief, whilst developing the skills needed to help them settle into prison life or resettle on release. We focus on character as much as curriculum to achieve long-term behaviour change, as we work to reduce re-offending. Currently, we deliver in 30 prisons across England in the South Central, Kent, Surrey and Sussex region, Long Term High Security and private Estate.
Our Approach
One College – we integrate our prison education alongside our campus and IoT, allowing us to share innovation, resources and best practice.
Digital focused – we believe digital technology has the ability to remove barriers to learning and overcome some of the logistical challenges to education in prisons. We lead the way in terms of digital investment in prison education and will continue to pioneer.
Fairer futures – our commitment to our vision of fairer futures drives us to bring so much more than education into our prisons. It compels us to strive to do all that we can to build stronger communities and reintegrate offenders into society.
Partnerships – from Timpson to RMF and the Open University – nobody beats us for the size and diversity of our partners who will all work to supplement what we do.