Helping Students Plan for Their Future - MK College

Helping Students Plan for Their Future: A Q&A with Our Careers Team

At MK College, we are dedicated to ensuring every student has a solid plan for their future. From early career guidance to one-on-one meetings with tutors, we provide comprehensive support to help students navigate their next steps. Whether they are continuing their education, changing courses, or embarking on a new journey at university or in employment, we are here to guide them. In this blog, Joanna Brown, Head of Careers, answers common questions about student progression, shares insights on university destinations, and offers advice for students planning their future. Read on to learn more about how we support our students and how they can stay connected with us.

Q: How does the College make sure students have a plan for their future?

A: Ideally, students start thinking about their next steps early and regularly chat with our careers team to figure out what they need to do. To support this, every student has a meeting with their tutor to talk about their progression.

Q: What are the common next steps for students?

A: At the end of their course, students transition in various ways:

  • Moving on to the next year or level of their course
  • Switching to a different course at the College
  • Leaving our college to start an apprenticeship, head to university or get a job.

Q: What happens if a student’s plan doesn’t work out or they want to find a job?

A: If a student can’t follow their initial plan or is thinking about getting a job, we automatically set up a careers referral. Our team will reach out and schedule an appointment to talk through their options, help them with their CV, and point them to job sites.

Q: Which universities did our students progress onto in 2023?

A: In 2023, about 400 students progressed on to higher education at universities across the UK. They enrolled in a wide range of courses, including nursing, midwifery, engineering, digital design, computing, and the creative arts.

A: What should students who want to go to university in 2025 be doing now?

A: Students coming to the end of their first year of a Level 3 programme (Year 12 students) should start thinking about their plans for September 2025 now. This summer is a great chance for them to attend university open days, join in taster sessions, and get ready for making their university applications in the autumn term. We’d encourage these students to use the summer wisely to gather evidence for UCAS, such as completing online learning, using their Unifrog accounts, or gaining work experience. This advice also applies to students looking for employment.

Q: How can former students stay in touch?

A: We encourage all former students to stay connected with us. Whether you come back for visits, join online chats with current students, or just keep us updated, we love to hear from you. Stay in touch with our Careers Team by emailing us at

We wish all our students the very best in their future and hope to hear from you soon!