Blog - Page 5 of 10 - MK College


  1. Ethan Kent

    Level 3 Business Administration apprenticeship “My Business Administration apprenticeship opened options to me.” In March 2020, Ethan gained an apprenticeship role as an Administrator in the Medical Records department at the Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Trust, while working towards his Level 3 Business Administration apprenticeship. Discover how since completing his apprenticeship, Ethan has gained…

  2. Discovery Days

    You will be invited to attend a course-related induction day. On this day you will meet your tutors, see the facilities you’ll be working in and get to know other students who will be joining the course at the same time as you. You’ll be able to experience a full day in College, find out…

  3. Augustina – SCIoT Learner

    I was born in Ghana but moved to Italy when I was 19 years old where I got married and had 2 children. In 2015 we moved to England where I completed a Level 2 Certificate in Skills for Further study in Health Care.  I went on to complete a Level 3 Certificate in Computer…

  4. Bluecube Specialist Apprenticeships

    The growth encountered by Bluecube led to a recruitment drive to hire people to join their administration, cyber security, configuration, and helpdesk teams. The team realised that the talent and skills shortage was even greater, and a different hiring approach was needed. Rob Gilbride, Head of Talent Development, explains how they tackled their recruitment challenge:…

  5. Living our strategy

    Angela Rayner Visits MK College Our college campuses are once again busy and bustling as students and teaching staff have returned after a well-deserved break. And starting the new term has made me reflect on what we’ve done as a college over the year so far, and what’s still to come. I’ve also been reflecting…

  6. How you can nail your professional CV

    Writing a CV can seem a bit scary and daunting, especially if there’s a big job that you’re going for or you’ve decided to change your career direction, for example. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for the perfect CV, but it should be clear, concise, and tailored to the role that you’re applying for. TIP…

  7. Wellness tips for exam season

    Reward yourselfOnce you have finished your revision for the day, make sure that you reward yourself for your hard work. You could have a soak in the bath, go for a long walk, or go out and grab some food, for example. Anything that makes you feel refreshed! Get movingPhysical activity will increase your brain’s…

  8. Stress Awareness Month: How to Manage Stress

    April not only marks National Stress Awareness Month, but it also marks the time in the year where students begin to knuckle down and revise for their summer exams (coincidence?!). But there are some things we can do to combat stress whether it be education related or personal – one of key things being learning…