Governance Documents & Board Minutes - MK College

Governance Documents & Board Minutes

Governance Documents

Access to College and Corporation Information
Annual Accountability Statement
AOC Code of Good Governance 2021
Board Members and ELT Expenses Gifts and Hospitality
Board of Governors Committee Membership 2023/24
Board of Governors Meetings 2023/24
Board of Governors Membership 2023/24
Board of Governors Standing Orders
Board Register of Interests
Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech and Expression
Conflicts of Interest Policy
External Governance Review
Financial Regulations
Financial Statements year ending 31st July 2022
Financial Statements year ending 31st July 2023
Higher Education Access and Participation Plan Summary
Higher Education Access and Participation Plan (Full Version)
Instrument & Articles of Government
Link Governors
Modern Slavery Statement
Procedures on Obtaining the Views of Staff and Students
Public Value Statement
Senior Post Holder Annual Remuneration Statement

Board and Committee Minutes

The Board may, on occasions, exclude some or all of the minutes of a meeting – this may include minutes relating to a named person employed or proposed to be employed at the institution; a named student at, or candidate for admission to the institution; the governance professional; or any matter which by reason of its nature the Board is satisfied should be dealt with on a confidential basis. This is to ensure compliance with legislation such as the Data Protection Act 2018 and with due regard for the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The advice to the Board from its Search and Governance Committee can be found in both the Board and Committee minutes.


Audit & Risk

Search & Governance

archived minutes

To request to see a copy of any of the archived minutes, please contact Karen Brown, Head of Governance