Milton Keynes College student achieves A in maths A Level in 7 months
A Milton Keynes College student has been awarded an A in A Level maths after racing to complete the course in just seven months.
James Adi only discovered in November that he would need the qualification for his chosen university course, as well as passing the T Level he was studying for in Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction.
James says, “I set myself high goals and I decided that if I was going to go to university I wanted it to be one of the best. Universities are still developing their approach to T Levels as they’re so new, so changed the entry requirements quite late, saying I needed the maths A Level. The College helped me a lot and my maths tutor, Anna, was brilliant.”
T Levels are a two year qualification that are a technical alternative to A Levels, bringing together classroom learning and an extended industry placement where employers help design the course. After completing T Levels, students can go on to university, additional training such as an apprenticeship or directly into employment.
James took the A Level at the same time as doing his classwork and his work placement with Morgan Sindall Construction, helping to build the new MK University Hospital.
“I had to do several hours of maths each night,” he says, “but it was worth it. When I was leaving school, I knew I wanted to work in construction. I did my research and realised that the T Level was the fastest way to get into the industry. My work placement was really exciting and it made me want to be in the industry even more.”
Maths tutor, Anna Ji says, “When James told me in November he would like to do A Level maths the following June, I was a bit surprised. College quickly arranged a free exam booking and all the support just came so quickly. We worked together every Friday looking at the harder questions. He was so committed and we did the mock in March, and he received an A at that time already. We had some intensive days working together on past papers. He worked so hard. I am so pleased to hear his result. I felt that all the hard work paid off. Moreover, he is my first A level student in MK College, I am so proud of him and myself.”
Clifford Clarke, Head of Engineering and Construction at the College says he’s absolutely thrilled for James. “T Levels are a relentless qualification and he worked so hard, taking every opportunity that came his way. These studies offer learners so much more than in the past and equip them so well for their industry. Every T Level student we’ve had in this department is now out in industry working in related fields or studying at university. The contacts they make during work placements are setting them up with careers. They’d have taken a decade to build such networks in the industry if they’d taken another route.”
The overall pass rate for the College’s T Level students was 92%. 445 students received their BTEC results today as well, with 87% of those who passed achieving a merit or distinction, up on previous years.
Sally Alexander, CEO and Group Principal of Milton Keynes College Group, says, “We are all very proud of James, as we are with all of our students receiving their T Level results today. As our second cohort of learners to complete their T Levels, they have taken on the challenge of this new qualification and through hard work and dedication have achieved fantastic results. T Level courses have been designed with leading businesses and employers to give learners the knowledge and skills they need, producing the next wave of highly skilled, work-ready graduates and the industries they will work in. We are confident that whatever option they choose next, our T Level students will have successful and promising futures ahead of them.”
James is now off to the University of Leeds for a degree in Civil Construction and Engineering.
Milton Keynes College is launching its new A Level pathways from this September. Find out more here: https://mkcollege.ac.uk/a-levels/
To find out more about T Levels at Milton Keynes College, visit https://mkcollege.ac.uk/school-leavers/t-levels/