New Government Guidance on Gender Identity - MK College

New Government Guidance on Gender Identity

The government has issued updated guidance for schools and colleges about how we should behave towards young people who are questioning their gender, or have already expressed a desire to be seen differently from their previously accepted gender.  At Milton Keynes College Group, our team is going through the new guidance very carefully, to get a better understanding of what we’re being asked to do by the Department for Education.  While we need to have a good think about how to respond, we want to make one thing very clear.  Our motto is Fairer Futures for All.  It is central to everything we believe a college should be, as a place where everyone can be themselves and can feel safe and supported.  Whoever you are, students or staff, we want you to know that we are on your side.  It is vitally important that as members of a community, we treat each other with respect, and do our best always to look after our friends, classmates and colleagues.  If anyone has any concerns about the new guidance, and what it might mean for them, please get in touch with Arv Kaushal, EDI Manager for whatever help and advice we can offer.

Remember; we are all stronger together, and the happiness and wellbeing of everyone here matters.

You can read more about this government guidance here.