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Foundation Arts Diploma

Gain art and design skills through gallery visits, expert guidance, and specialised workshops, preparing for higher education or employment.

Course Overview

Start Date
8 Sep 2025
Mode of Study
Bletchley Campus
Mon to Fri
09:00 – 17:00

Course overview

The highlights of this course include visits to galleries and exhibitions, opportunities to enter local and national competitions, expert course guidance on the creative sector, your own dedicated base rooms and workspaces with industry-standard equipment, and lots more. This qualification will give you an additional edge when applying to universities and for jobs in the creative industries. You will benefit from hearing from guest speakers and practising creatives, both from the industry and higher education.

UAL Level 3 & 4 Foundation Diploma in Art & Design

What will I do?

This course is three phases: Learning Skills and Context, Development and Progression and Proposal and Realisation. This includes the study of:

• Drawing and visual studies
• Fine art, painting, sculpture, printing and performance art
• 3D Design and crafts
• Photography, image and digital media
• Fashion and textiles
• Graphic design and illustration
• History of art & design, cultural studies

The first term is an exciting menu of taster workshops to help you make informed choices about career destinations, to support progression into higher education or employment. You will specialise in terms two and three. 

What’s next?

Having successfully completed this course you could progress to an HND/Foundation Degree, BA Honours Degree course, entry-level employment, or a creative apprenticeship. 

Is it for me?

Is your goal to progress on to Higher Education in Art and Design or enter employment in the Art and Design industry? The Foundation in Art and Design Diploma is an intensive and demanding one-year pre-degree course that is designed to assist you in expanding your portfolio through three phases. 

In the first term, you will encounter the ‘Learning Skills and Context’ stage. This is followed in the second term by ‘Development and Progression’ and finally the third term will be the ‘Proposal and Realisation’ Stage where you will complete a personal project for an exhibition. 

Entry requirements

4 GCSEs x 4s (Including English and maths) 

1 x A-Level qualification (preferably in a creative subject) or relevant L3 (Advanced) qualification.

Or relevant experience

  • Gain & Improve skills with a range of techniques in Art & Design
  • Learn how to progress an art project from research to final outcome
  • Work Experience opportunities to encourage teamwork & communication skills
  • Tailored projects to enable progression to higher level creative courses
  • Have the opportunity to show case their work at the End of Year Exhibition
  • Trips to London art galleries and museums
  • Opportunity to retake/study GCSE English & maths if required

Your project work including written evaluations will be submitted in a sketchbook and this along with your final outcome will be assessed using the UAL grade matrix.

From every project you will be given written and verbal feedback linked to the criteria to help you understand and improve your work so that you can be working at either a Pass, Merit or Disinction.

In addition to your hours spent in college attending your art lessons you will also be expected to work independently on finishing work, homework tasks and extending your own artwork so that you are developing and improving after each project/unit.


  1. Foundation Arts Diploma

    Start Date
    8 Sep 2025
    Mon to Fri
    09:00 – 17:00
    Bletchley Campus

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