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MK College hosts interfaith Community Iftar

MK College Group partnered with Milton Keynes Islamic Arts and Culture (MKIAC) to host ‘Colours of Ramadan’ at our Chaffron Way campus. This interfaith Iftar (the breaking of the fast during the holy Muslim month of Ramadan) brought together a diverse range of people from across Milton Keynes to celebrate and develop greater understanding amongst our communities.

The evening featured a rendition of the Holy Quran, musical performances and an Iftar platter of traditional dishes for guests to enjoy. There was also an appeal for donations to support aid efforts for those affected by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Speaking about the event, Anouar Kassim MBE, Director of MKIAC, said: “As an act of worship, fasting is arguably the only ritual that is observed in all major religions of the world – representative of its universality. Ramadan this year is unique given that it also coincides with festivals of almost all major faiths: Easter, Passover, Vishu, Mahavir Jayanthi and Baisakhi. It’s said that we’ll need to wait a few more decades at least for this happen again. Today we celebrate our differences, remember those who are less fortunate than us and support them by making a difference to their lives. I am very grateful to the people of Milton Keynes who have always embraced and advocated for cultural diversity and greater understanding between the various communities that make up our exceptional city.”

We were delighted to be able to host the event and be part of such a special celebration to bring together people of all backgrounds.

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