Home > News > Milton Keynes College launches 2023/24 prospectus 

Milton Keynes College launches 2023/24 prospectus 

With the current academic year now well under way, we’re already looking ahead to 2023/24 and have launched our new online prospectus. 

You can choose between the School Leaver Guide, Adult Course Directory, Undergraduate Guide and South-Central Institute of Technology Guide. These guides will provide you with some great insight about the different paths you can take at the College. 

There’s a fantastic range of courses to suit many different career paths and the new prospectus for 23/24 is available to download online now.

Also, you can now sign up to attend the next open events at Milton Keynes College, the next one being held on 12th November 2022, 10am – 1pm. You can ask further questions you may have from the prospectus, see the campuses yourself and meet the expert tutors, get career advice and more. 

Sign up and see more details here.

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