Paul Gartside
From Computer Studies to Global Senior Vice President
After studying at MK College, Paul Gartside’s career in IT has taken him all over the world and has now come full circle back to MK College, where he is Security and Data Analytics Coach and Curriculum Innovator at the South Central Institute Of Technology.
Paul graduated from Milton Keynes College in 1989 after completing a BTEC National Diploma in Computer Studies.
He explains, “I really wasn’t a good student, I scraped by. I was more interested in taking things apart and teaching myself how to do ‘cool stuff’. At that time computers were about the only thing I was good at, and the College gave me an excellent opportunity to explore this further.
“Moreover, I was shy when I was younger and going to university really was too big a leap. I knew I wanted to go and work. College gave me what I needed to get go straight into the computer industry, getting a great job with research machines.
“Security was a topic that interested me greatly and after a couple of jobs progressing as a Network Engineer, I applied for a job with Dr Solomon’s Antivirus, now McAfee Security. I spent the next 25 years travelling the world doing security stuff, writing technology patents, and working with loads of super smart people.
Paul rose through the company eventually becoming Global Senior Vice President R&D for Data Protection and Encryption in 2006.
He says, “I left McAfee in need of a work/life change. I really wanted to get back to my technical roots and I’d spent an increasing amount of time doing mentoring at the company, which is something I wanted to explore further.
“I joined South Central Institute of Technology as Digital Coach for Cyber Security and Data Analytics, where I get to do cool stuff and do my level best to inspire and grow the next generation.
“It really is the most gratifying thing to see students grow and achieve success out in the workplace.”
Paul Gartside
He adds, “My advice to anyone else looking into getting into the computer industry is to just make it happen! The digital technology industry is hot and growing and so are companies in Milton Keynes. There really is no better time than now to build excellent knowledge and an amazing career. There are also now far more pathways in tech than there has ever been.
“The degree level computing courses at the South Central Institute Of Technology are an excellent way to break into the industry without running up a sizable debt. If you pick Cyber Security or Data Pathways, you’ll also get me as a tutor!”