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Supporting Your Child Through the First Term at MK College

As your child starts their journey at MK College, the first term can be both exciting and challenging. Our Q&A with Joanna Brown, the College’s Head of Careers, provides valuable insights and practical advice to help you support your child during this important transition.

If they’re uncertain about their chosen course, remember: “Don’t drop out, drop in!”—we’re here to help them get back on track.

Q: What are some early signs that a student may be struggling at college or considering dropping out?  How can parents and guardians recognise these signs before they escalate?

A: If you notice your child skipping classes or coming home early, it might be a sign they’re having trouble. Another red flag is if they seem uninterested or unhappy about what they’re learning. Pay attention to these changes and address them early on.

Q: What support does the college offer to students who are struggling with their course? How can students and parents access these services?

A: We have a range of support available. Each student has a progress mentor and they can also talk to their course leader or teacher. Plus, we have a big student support team, including wellbeing staff and careers advisers. The key is not to keep problems to themselves. The sooner they ask for help, the better we can address it, especially in the first six weeks.

Q: How can parents have conversations with their children about course choices and careers if they want to change their minds?

A: Reassure your child that it’s perfectly normal to feel unsure at their age. They don’t need to have everything figured out right away. Encourage them to explore their interests and think about what steps they need to take. It’s helpful to contact the college’s support services early to prevent small issues from becoming bigger problems.

Q: If a student is thinking of leaving or changing their course, what steps should they take within the college to ensure they are making a well-informed decision?

A: They should start by talking to their progress mentor. Sometimes a simple change in class or environment can help. If they’re considering a complete course change, such as from hairdressing to engineering, we can help with that too, as long as there’s space and they meet the qualifications. They can ask for a referral to the careers team for a detailed discussion about their options. Email careersteam@mkcollege.ac.uk or drop by our office.

Q: What support and advice services are available for students who are unsure about their next steps, whether in terms of career planning, course selection, or alternative pathways?

A: Students should start by using their Unifrog account, which has a lot of helpful information and quizzes to explore their skills and career interests. They can log in using their college email and password.

Q: Any other insights or advice you can offer about helping students to settle into college life?

A: Stay engaged and proactive. Encourage your child to use all the resources available and seek help when needed. Remember, the college is here to support them through their decisions and any challenges they may face.


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