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Quick Guide: College vs School

Picture this. You’ve reached the end of your GCSE exams. You’ve completed Year 11, and you’re done with school for the summer. That’s it, you’ve done it! So what now? Do you stay at school for another two years, or do you head to college where you can make new friends and study something you’re truly passionate about?

College or school?

It’s a big decision that requires a lot of thought and consideration. While no one can decide for you what is the best fit for your education, we are here to provide some insight and support on why college could be the perfect option for you.

Firstly, college offers a much wider range of courses and levels for you to choose from, meaning there is something suitable for everyone. From engineering to hairdressing, or perhaps an apprenticeship in accounting, there is bound to be a course perfect for you. You can even study English & Maths alongside your course if you didn’t quite manage to get your desired grades at GCSE.

Now, we completely understand that leaving familiar faces and your comfort zone may seem scary right now, but just remember that everyone will be in the same situation as you! Coming to college is a fantastic way for you to meet new friends and become a more confident young adult. Speaking of which, you will learn in an adult environment and be treated like the young mature adult that you are! At college, everyone respects each other and this is the key to a positive and mature environment.

And there’s more! By attending college you will have the opportunity to use some fantastic facilities. From live-learning environments and excellent catering facilities, you’re sure to be well looked after!

You’re going to study a variety of units with different tutors, who all have specialist knowledge and experience in their field. All of our tutors have come straight from industry to teach, meaning they’ve been there, done that, and got the experience to prove it! They will share their industry links, inside knowledge and real-life accounts with you, meaning you’ll be prepared for what life is actually like in the job you want.

College = more flexibility

Unlike school, where you would be expected to attend six hours a day, five times a week, college is more flexible, meaning your timetable is unlikely to require you to be in college all day, every day. This will allow you free time to complete coursework and focus on work experience opportunities, as well as that all important social life!

At MK College we have a dedicated student development team, who can help you with anything from needing extra support with your work, personal issues such as mental health, careers advice and organising your finances. Everything you say is confidential, and you will never be judged or made to feel uncomfortable when coming to us with any issues.

So, there you have it! Deciding whether to stay at school or head to college is a big decision for many people your age. Perhaps your parents want one thing, and you want another. Perhaps one friend is heading to college and the other is staying at school. The decision is yours, and yours alone.

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