Preparing for Your Exams: A Complete Guide
We know that exams can be a stressful time, but don’t worry, as we’re here to help you perform to your very best ability and settle those nerves.
To give you a head start, we’ve compiled a complete guide to preparing for your exams at MK College, full of tops tips and important information that you’ll need to be aware of. Take a good read through, make notes and turn up to your exams completely prepared.
Things to remember
- Arrive at least 15 minutes before the exam start time.
- Listen to and act upon, the invigilator’s instructions.
- Any mobile phones, Smart watches, wrist watches, Bluetooth enabled devices/earphones must be switched off and left in your bag in the designated area.
- It is an Awarding Body requirement that you remove any head-wear for any exam. If it is worn for religious reasons, please speak to your Tutor or the Exams Officer before the day of your exam.
- The exam room temperature may vary so we recommend wearing layered clothing.
- Be silent when you enter the room and behave in line with the college’s code of conduct at all times.
- Stay seated and use your full exam time.
Important to remember – Please bring your photo ID with you, as you may not be able to take your examination without it.
When is my exam?
- For all exams your tutor will inform you of the date, time and location.
- Make sure your contact details are up to date, an automated SMS/Email reminder will be sent to you ahead of your exams.
What do I need to bring with me?
- Your photo ID (College ID)
- All necessary equipment for the exam e.g. a black pen, pencil, scientific calculator (no stored information or lids allowed), protractor etc. The college does not supply these.
- A see-through pencil case/glasses case – no writing allowed.
What can’t I take into the exam room/keep on me during my exam?
The things you can’t keep on you during the exam are –
- Bags, coats, hats, food and drinks (other than water in a clear bottle – no labels allowed).
- Mobile phone, iPods, iPads, MP3/4 players, iWatches/watches or any web-enabled technology.
- Any notes or written materials
The Invigilator will inform you of the designated area to place your belongings during the examination.

How do I know I’ll get my exam access arrangement(s)?
- Your tutor will advise you
- We’ll normally send examination results and certificates to your home address and you can collect summer results for GCSEs and A Levels from the College.
- For on-demand, onscreen exams you will be advised of your results by your tutor.
What happens if…
I cheat in an exam or assessment?
1. Notes and unauthorised materials will be confiscated.
2. The incident will be reported to the awarding body.
3. You may lose all marks for that exam and for all other exams for that awarding body.
I take my mobile phone/watch into an exam or assessment?
1. It will be removed by the invigilator.
2. The incident will be reported to the awarding body as candidate malpractice.
3. You may lose all marks for that exam and for all other exams for that awarding body.
I’m late?
1. Report to Reception or Exams Office and ask to be supervised.
2. If you are very late you may not be able to sit the exam.
3. If you are allowed to sit the exam you may be warned that your paper may not be marked by the awarding body.
If I’m unwell or need assistance?
1. Put your hand up and tell the invigilator.
2. Inform the Exams Department of your circumstances.
Wishing you all the very best of luck in your exams – we know you’ll be great!