Meet Our Campus Managers

We’re excited to introduce Jack Maude and Louise Frizzelle, our new Campus Managers. Since taking on their roles in September, they’ve been committed to creating a safe, supportive, and positive environment at MK College, ensuring that every student thrives.
Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourselves?
Louise: I’m the Campus Manager at Bletchley. Before starting this role, I spent a year working on Reception, and before that, I was an Area Manager in Sales for 10 years.
Jack: I’m the Campus Manager at Chaffron Way. Before this, I was the Personal Development Lead, and earlier, I was a Course Team Leader for barbering.
Q: What’s the main purpose of your role as Campus Manager?
Louise: I always say our role is about being a familiar face for students when they’re outside the classroom. If they need help or have any concerns, we’re there to assist them or direct them to the right person. We work closely with security and ensure that the College’s standards are upheld.
Jack: We’re the first point of contact for any issues, whether they’re inside or outside the classroom. We work with internal teams and handle situations related to student behaviour, making sure everyone follows the College’s code of conduct. This includes everything from wearing lanyards to how students communicate with staff. Our goal is to prepare students for the workplace and life after college.
Q: What does a typical day look like for you?
Louise: My day starts at the front barriers, greeting students with a smile and a “Good morning.” Then I walk around the campus, checking in with students and making sure they’re safe and where they need to be. I’m always in the main areas during breaktimes and lunch, so I’m easy to find if students need me.
Jack: We’re always around to support students. We greet them at the entrance and make sure they know we’re here for them. It’s all about being approachable and visible so we can quickly deal with any issues that come up.
Q: How are you finding the job so far?
Louise: I absolutely love it. A lot of students don’t always know about the different services, clubs, and societies we offer, so I see it as part of my role to make sure their experience at college is the best it can be. I want them to feel happy and safe here.
Jack: It’s a combination of the things I enjoyed about teaching and personal development, but with a broader focus on preparing students for life after college, helping them understand policies and procedures.
Q: What do you enjoy most about your role?
Jack: The most rewarding part has been seeing how much better students are responding to the College’s standards. For example, we’ve seen a big improvement in students wearing their lanyards, which was a challenge at first.
Louise: I’ve also noticed more students stepping up to represent their peers through student voice, which is fantastic. It’s great to see them taking ownership and giving us feedback. We’re here to support them, but we’re also preparing them for the real world by helping them develop skills that will benefit them in their future careers.