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10 Ways To Banish Monday Blues This Year

Monday 16 January is here and is this year’s Blue Monday, frankly we don’t need it thank you. Move along please, no Blue Mondays over here! Start this week as you mean to go on! Here are some ideas from us to help you re-energise, blast away the brain fog and a reminder to make time for the things you love to do.

Daylight please!

Get outside and soak up as much of the natural daylight as you can, it’s a small window until it gets dark, so try to go for a lunchtime escape if you can.


We promise it will make you feel good! Even a little walk with the dog or a bit of yoga on YouTube. Why not set yourself a fitness challenge; squats, sit ups, couch to 5k? You can do it!

Do something new!

Go on, now is the time. What have you had on your bucket list for ages? Even if it’s not open at the moment, do your research, make the plans so you are ready.

Learn something new

Yes, we might be a little bit limited on moving around at the moment, but there are so many amazing things to see and learn on the internet, from virtual tours in London to cookery classes, so many amazing free things to do online, pick up a new skill on Blue Monday!

Start a new book or podcast

Have you got a book waiting there on the shelf for you? Or maybe you haven’t got stuck into a good book in ages, go for it! Why not zone out and switch on a podcast, learn something new at the same time or just listen to a funny one!


Who haven’t you spoken to in a while? Catch up with friends, a family member, someone you used to go to school with or work with… drop them a voice note or give them a call, we know they will be glad to hear your voice!


That feeling when you forgot about a song and you hear it again for the first time in so long! Dig out your old playlists, have a kitchen disco whilst you wait for the kettle and the toaster in the morning, start the day right.

Do something nice

Send someone a nice video message, or a funny greetings card, or send them a little order through the post. Help out your family, any little ones home schooling in your house or surprise someone with a thoughtful gesture at home – a nice cuppa and biscuit for someone who’s been on video calls all morning.  Why not see what you could do to help a local charity, or someone you know who supports a charity? Milton Keynes has loads of great charities from foodbanks to animal sanctuaries, that you could help out, even if it’s just by commenting and sharing their posts on social media or holding on to old newspapers for rescued hedgehogs, it all helps!

Digital Detox

Do it! Leave the phone upstairs, the laptop on the table, go for that walk, dig into the book, do something else you love away from the tech. Go screen free, even if it’s just for a little while in the evening.


What makes you laugh? Favourite film? Favourite comedian? Tune into them, watch that funny clip again. Laugh until your face hurts!!!!

Look after yourself, reward yourself, take the time to do what you love. Do that little thing that always makes you smile and will make your day a little bit brighter.

Your Mental Health and Wellbeing at MK College

If something is getting you down and it just isn’t going away, did you know you have access to support from the Counselling or Mental Health and Wellbeing team? Please talk to your tutor who can arrange your first meeting or you can contact the team yourself at wellbeingteam@mkcollege.ac.uk. Find out more: Student Development and Support.


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