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Adult ESOL
Our English for Speakers of Other Languages courses will improve English reading, writing and speaking skills, equipping students with the necessary skills to further their employment and life in the UK.
You will learn to apply your newfound skills in different contexts, such as Business, Citizenship and everyday life, improving job prospects and further academic potential. As well as reading, writing and speaking, you will work on your mathematics and IT skills, helping you to grow your skillset.

View all of our ESOL courses, have some of your questions answered, and read our glossary for some key words you’ll hear a lot of as an MK College student.
How do I apply?
Select your chosen course, and then click ‘Apply’ at the top of the page. You will then be taken through a selection of compulsory forms to complete.
What happens once I have applied?
Once you have applied, your application will be reviewed by the College. We will then be in touch with you as to whether your application has been accepted.
What to bring to interview
Apart from yourself, you will need to bring your previous certificates and fee remission documents with you.
How much is my course going to cost?
How much your course costs is entirely dependable on which course you are wanting to study and where you are studying from. You can find out the cost of your course by going onto the course page and looking in the ‘course information’ box on the right.
Can I get childcare and is it free?
The college nursery charges for nursery places, but you can apply for a bursary through the college and they will cover all the costs if you are eligible. You will also need to apply separately to the nursery to secure a place for your child.
How can I apply for a bursary?
If you want to see if you are eligible for financial aid or wish to make a bursary application, visit our Funding & Bursaries page here.
Do I have to buy a book?
Once you have been accepted and enrolled onto your course, you will receive an email detailing any equipment that you will need.
Can I get a free bus pass?
View our Travel page where you can find out about the different public transport options available and whether you can receive discounted tickets here.
Is there any free student parking?
Parking at college is limited and only available to students with a disability or exceptional circumstances. If this applies to you, you can apply for a car parking permit by picking up a form from main reception on campus.
Am I doing an exam?
Parking at college is limited and only available to students with a disability or exceptional circumstances. If this applies to you, you can apply for a car parking permit by picking up a form from main reception on campus.
Is there any free student parking?
Parking at college is limited and only available to students with a disability or exceptional circumstances. If this applies to you, you can apply for a car parking permit by picking up a form from main reception on campus.
Am I doing an exam?
When you come and see us for an interview, we would like to see any certificates that you may have and will talk to you about whether or not you will be in an exam class.
What is the difference between exam and ILP classes?
Learners in an exam class will have an exam at the end of each term. Some learners may need a little longer before they are ready for an exam, for them an ILP class would be more suitable.
What is the lowest and the highest level available?
Courses start at pre-entry level and go up to level 1.
Are there evening classes?
Yes, we offer evening classes at entry level one to level one.
Will I have any online lessons?
The majority of your lessons will be on campus, but you will learn how to use Microsoft Teams and some lessons or activities may be online.
Who are ESOL courses for?
ESOL courses are great for those looking to improve their English reading, writing and speaking skills. The courses are aimed to provide the necessary skills to further employment and life in the UK.
Additional information
Please let us know if you have passed any exams or are studying ESOL elsewhere.
What is fee remission?
Your ESOL course may be free, however if anyone in your household is working then their wages will go towards assessing any fee remission even if you are on benefits. For fee remission we will need to see any benefits you may have.
For Universal Credit, the payments you receive are not required, but we would need to see that you are currently claiming and any earnings that you, or anyone who is claiming the benefits with you, have reported.
If you are working, you may be eligible for fee remission if you are earning less than £17, 374.50. Please bring your latest last 3 months or 4 weeks wage slips.
After you have applied, you may be emailed by Admissions to provide your passport, visa or settlement/pre-settlement status. It is important that you respond to this as it may delay your application/enrolment if we don’t have the correct information.
Lastly, ESOL adult courses are part time and therefore you will need to provide all fee remission evidence when you enrol for each term.
What ESOL level do I need to be able to apply for other courses at MK College?
You need your ESOL qualification at one level below the course you are applying for e.g., if you are applying for a level one course elsewhere in college, you will need an entry level three ESOL certificate in all three modes: speaking and listening, reading and writing.
English for Speakers of Other Languages Courses
Want to talk about your options?
Get in touch with our ESOL team to find out how we can support you at