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TS Electrical Limited case study

Tom Saevarsson, Director at TS Electrical (Buckingham) Limited believes good communication between an employer and college is paramount when it comes to hiring and developing apprentices.

The company currently has three apprentices through Milton Keynes College, two of which are on a three-year apprenticeship, and another on a two-year apprenticeship. They also have a Level 3 student completing 350 hours of work experience with them, two days per week.

Tom said, “We have been working with MK College for the last six years with ongoing apprenticeships. The staff have been knowledgeable in the electrical department and maintain good communication lines with us and the students. 

“As an employer, we’re kept well informed of student progress by the college, and by getting to know the department staff over time, we feel we can contact them easily for any quick resolutions that we may need along the way.”

Tom feels that working with MK College as a partner provides him with reassurance that his trainee employees will be well looked-after.

He commented, “The College has met our expectations in terms of apprenticeship training, as well as provided great support to our staff in achieving their goals.

“I would highly recommend the electrical department and the College with regards to training and apprenticeships. We point all those that enquire about qualifying as an electrician to the College for advice.”

Developing and investing in people is something Tom really believes in, both for benefits to the individual and to the business.

He advised, “As an employer I would always stress the importance of providing opportunities to those that wish to enter and train as an apprentice.  The benefits to a company by developing its people means investing in staff is a must. Milton Keynes College helps us to achieve this.”

Tom continued, “We love working with Milton Keynes College and giving students the opportunity to better themselves, both work-related, but also life skills.”

“We’re also looking to doing some regular guest speaking at the College, which we are really looking forward to.”

TS Electrical (Buckingham) Limited deliver electrical services from large scale industrial installations to domestic wiring. They are approved registered contractors, and domestic installers, providing customers with a warranty and certification for all completed works through the NICEIC registered body.

For more information on working with MK College, contact the Employer team on employerteam@mkcollege.ac.uk.


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